Quinoa, Zucchini, and Stracchino Bites



Golden, crispy, and with an irresistible creamy filling, these are our quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino bites! A tasty appetizer that is very quick to prepare. The crunchy outer shell hides a soft filling made with this cheese that has a delicate flavor and velvety texture. In addition to the classic meatballs, legume balls, and spiced vegetable balls like cauliflower and turmeric balls, we thought of using a unique ingredient: quinoa. For the Incas, it was the mother of all seeds and indeed a symbol of biodiversity and the fight against hunger.
Quinoa offers all the virtues of cereals, although it belongs to the spinach family. Therefore, it is naturally gluten-free, suitable for those who cannot consume it or want to limit its use. You'll discover that the combination of these genuine ingredients that make up the quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino balls makes them not only appetizing but also perfect for the whole family!


Ingredients for 16 bites
Quinoa 1 cup (200 g)
Water 1.7 cups (400 g)
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Fine salt to taste
For the seasoning
Zucchini 1 ½ cup (250 g)
Stracchino cheese 2.1 oz (60 g)
Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese 2.1 oz (60 g)
Breadcrumbs 1 cup (130 g) - (and as much as needed for breading)
Eggs 2 - medium
Lemon peel 1 - organic
Chives to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Vegetable oil to taste - for frying
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

How to prepare Quinoa, Zucchini, and Stracchino Bites

To prepare the quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino bites, start by removing the saponin. This is a substance on the quinoa, so just pour it into a colander and rinse it off 1. In a saucepan, pour a little olive oil 2 and toast the quinoa for a few moments while stirring continuously 3.

Cover with water, add salt, and bring to a boil 4. Stir occasionally and cook for about 15 minutes: by the end of the cooking, the water should be completely absorbed 5. Turn off the heat and let it cool for about ten minutes 5. In the meantime, you can take care of the rest. Wash and dry the zucchinis, then trim and grate them with a coarse grater 6.

Season with salt and pepper, then add the chopped chives using scissors 7 and the grated lemon zest 8. At this point, also add the now lukewarm quinoa 9,

the breadcrumbs, and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese 10, and finally the eggs 11. Initially, mix everything with a spatula 12

then switch to compacting with your hands 13. Before proceeding with forming the balls, prepare a tray with some breadcrumbs. Then take some of the mixture and press it in the middle to form a hollow 14. In the center, place about 1 teaspoon of stracchino 15

and cover with a bit more mixture 16 and seal the balls well to prevent the cheese from leaking out 17. Roll the balls in the breadcrumbs and proceed with cooking 18.

Immerse no more than 2-3 balls at a time in plenty of oil at 330°F 19. It will take 2-3 minutes to brown the surface 20. Your quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino bites are ready… enjoy them hot or warm 21!

How to store

You can store the quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino bites for up to a couple of days, and you can reheat them in a hot oven.
It is better not to store the mixture once prepared but to proceed immediately with cooking.
If you prefer, you can also freeze the cooked balls; just thaw and reheat them in the oven to refresh them.


If you do not like lemon zest, you can omit it or replace it with a pinch of grated ginger. Alternatively, instead of chives, you can add some lemon thyme or marjoram to give freshness to your delicious quinoa, zucchini, and stracchino bites.
Also, remember that for a gluten-free version, you can use gluten-free breadcrumbs; in any case, for those who are intolerant, it is always advisable to use products guaranteed by the crossed-out red spike and to refer to your specialist doctor.

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