Poached eggs



Poached eggs

A white cloud hiding a creamy and irresistible filling... let's talk about poached eggs, a recipe apparently easy but which needs some tricks! There are several ways to prepare poached eggs. We invite you to try a classic and simple method that will require few ingredients but a lot of precision on movements and cooking times. In a few minutes you will see the raw egg transform into a soft and inviting delicacy, perfect to be served on toasted homemade bread for breakfast like the typical eggs Benedict, for a fantastic brunch, or as a second course, perhaps paired with asparagus. Poached eggs, on the other hand, are always excellent!

If you liked this recipe, you could also try:

Eggs 4 - (very fresh)
White wine vinegar 2 tsp (10 g)
Coarse salt to taste

How to prepare Poached eggs

To prepare poached eggs, fill a large pan with water, leaving 4-5 cm from the edge. Turn on a moderate heat, then pour in the white wine vinegar 1 and coarse salt 2. When the salt has dissolved and the water begins to boil slightly (it should not boil too hard), lower the heat and mix in the same direction with a spoon to create a whirl in the water 3.

Break an egg into a small bowl and pour it into the center of the vortex 4. Let the egg cook for 2 minutes, without stirring or moving the egg: after 2 minutes you will get a liquid yolk, if you prefer you can slightly extend the cooking time. Gently drain the egg with the help of a slotted spoon and place it on a plate 5. Your poached eggs are ready to be enjoyed while still hot 6!


It is recommended to consume poached eggs as soon as they are ready.


You can flavor poached eggs with ground pepper or a pinch of paprika!

Info to watch out for when buying eggs

When buying, pay attention to the label and codes placed on the egg packaging. These parameters are the ones applied by the Italian Ministry of Health, please check the correponding paramenters applied in your Country.

Code 0: indicates organic eggs from free-range farming.

Code 1: indicates non-organic free-range farming.

Code 2: indicates free-range farming.

Code 3: indicates caged chicken eggs.


It is also important to know the degree of freshness of the eggs:

"Category A extra": identifies very fresh non-refrigerated eggs to be used up to the 7th day from the packing date or 9th day from the laying.

"Category A": identifies fresh non-refrigerated eggs that can be packaged and marketed no later than 21 days from the laying date.

"Category B": identifies eggs intended for the processing industry and not for retail trade or large-scale distribution.

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