Orecchiette with broccoli and sausage



Orecchiette with broccoli and sausage is a really tasty first-course dish featuring two ingredients that often form a winning combination: broccoli and sausage, paired with orecchiette pasta here in what is a truly delicious recipe! This type of pasta is perfect for holding the rich sauce due to its texture and characteristic shell shape. To make your orecchiette pasta even tastier, it’s best to boil it in the same water you use to cook the broccoli, just like in the traditional Apulian recipe for orecchiette pasta with turnip greens. Don’t cook the broccoli florets for too long, so they keep their characteristic crunch. This delicious recipe for orecchiette with broccoli and sausage is also a great way for those who aren’t usually fans of broccoli to enjoy this vegetable and all the goodness it offers, so it definitely deserves a place in your recipe collection, alongside our pasta with sardines and broccoli, or the baked version with broccoli and pancetta!

Orecchiette pasta 0.75 lb (320 g)
Broccoli 0.66 lb (300 g)
Sausage 0.66 lb (300 g)
White wine 3 tbsp (40 g)
Garlic 1 clove
Thyme 2 sprigs
Rosemary 1 sprig
Extra virgin olive oil 2 ½ tbsp (30 g)
Black pepper to taste
Fine salt to taste

How to prepare Orecchiette with broccoli and sausage

To prepare the orecchiette with broccoli and sausage, start by bringing a pot of salted water to a boil. Cut the broccoli into florets 1 and slice them in half, or even quarters if they’re too large. Place them in the boiling water 2 and put the lid on the pot 3. Cook the vegetables for 6-7 minutes, and in the meantime, continue with the rest.

Finely chop the thyme and rosemary 4 and set aside. Make an incision in the sausage and remove the skin, pulling it away gently with your hands 5, then crumble the sausage meat using the prongs of a fork 6.

Drizzle some olive oil into a large frying pan 7 and fry the garlic clove, then add the sausage 8. After a few seconds, add the chopped herbs and deglaze the pan with the white wine 9.

Using a slotted spoon, and without discarding the cooking water, remove the cooked broccoli 10 from the pot of water and add it to the meat a little at a time 11. Leave everything to cook for 3-4 minutes, then use kitchen tongs 12 to remove the garlic,

and add a pinch of black pepper 13. Bring the water you used to cook the broccoli back to a boil, pour in the pasta, and leave to cook 14. Once the pasta is cooked, use a slotted spoon 15 to drain it and transfer directly to the broccoli and sausage sauce.

Add the last of the orecchiette pasta, along with a ladleful of the cooking water if needed 16, then stir well to mix the pasta into the sauce thoroughly, adding some black pepper and cooking everything in the pan for a couple of minutes 17. Your orecchiette with broccoli and sausage is ready to be plated up and served 18.


You can store the broccoli and sausage sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a day, but we recommend eating it right away once the pasta has been added.


You might like to add a finely chopped chili to the sauce to give the dish a nice touch of heat.

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