Vegetarian bruschetta



A fresh and tasty vegetarian bruschetta, quick to prepare, perfect for Sunday brunch with family, for a light meal or to accompany an aperitif. A simple combination with very ancient origins: vegetarian bruschetta with fava beans, ricotta and pecorino cheese come from ancient Rome and are still very popular for their delicate flavor and simplicity. A winning trio in Italy for almost 2000 years formed by a delicate cream cheese that balances the sweet taste of raw fava beans, all spread on a crunchy slice of toasted bread.

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For the bruschetta
Tuscan bread 4 slices
Mint a few - fresh leaves
Pecorino cheese to taste - flakes for topping
Extra virgin olive oil 1 drizzle - for topping
For the fava bean cream
Fava beans 2 lbs (800 g) - (about ¾ lb shelled)
Extra virgin olive oil 3 tbsp (50 ml)
Fine salt 1 pinch
Mint a few - fresh leaves
Pine nuts 1 tbsp (20 g)
Pecorino cheese 1 tbsp
For the cheese mousse
Ricotta cheese 5 oz (150 g)
Lemon zest 1
Pecorino cheese 1 tbsp (20 g)
Fine salt to taste
Ground black pepper 1 pinch
Extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp

How to prepare Vegetarian bruschetta

Shell fava beans and blanch in a pot with boiling water for 30 seconds. Drain and pass under cold water.

Remove the cuticles and blend everything with 1 tbsp of pine nuts, a few mint leaves, 1 tbsp of aged pecorino cheese, a pinch of salt and add slowly 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive.

Toast the slices of bread.

Mix the ricotta with the grated lemon zest, 1 tablespoon of oil and a tablespoon of grated pecorino, then season with salt and pepper.

Spread the Fava bean cream on each slice of bread, add 1 tablespoon of ricotta and pecorino mousse on top, finish with a drizzle of oil and a few flakes of pecorino and a mint leaf.

How to store

Vegetarian Bruschetta must be prepared at the last moment to prevent the bread from becoming soggy. Once ready they should be consumed immediately. You can keep the bruschetta closed in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 day.


PECORINO: Pecorino must be very tasty and slightly spicy, so choose a seasoned pecorino such as the Roman or Sardinian one. If you prefer, you can use Parmesan, feta or other fresh cheeses.

BREAD: Do not choose too soft bread. The ideal bread must have a nice crust that becomes crunchy when heated, and a firm crumb, but not too much. Even a baguette might be fine. To warm it up, use a griddle or pan, or brush it with a little oil and put it in the oven at 392 F for about 10 minutes. If you wish, you can flavor the oil with a clove of garlic or aromatic herbs.

FAVA BEANS: Together with fava beans you can put fresh peas or, following the same recipe, use only peas for a more delicate taste.

MINT: We used mint to offset the slightly herbaceous flavor of the raw fava beans but if you love more delicate tastes, you can easily replace it with basil leaves.


Pecorino Romano, a cheese made from sheep's milk, has its origins in ancient Rome and its preparation has remained the same over the centuries. The Roman tradition celebrated the arrival of spring on May 1st with a convivial lunch in the countryside based on croutons with Fava beans and pecorino cheese. During this huge party, which involved the whole city, wishes of serenity and prosperity for the summer season were exchanged.

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