Ricotta and lemon bundt cake



We've made so many ring cakes that we've lost count, from classic grandma's bundt cakes, with their simple and timeless goodness, to more'ish ones like the chocolate cake, while also having fun experimenting with a variety of molds of different shapes and scenographic effects, adding a captivating touch to these timeless desserts. Ricotta and lemon bundt cake is a new recipe that will guarantee all the softness you'd expect from these soft delicacies, thanks to the creamy cheese that is a perfect ingredient for desserts. Lemon zest will live up to its aromatic promise, tantalizing all the family's palates!


Cow's milk ricotta cheese 1 ⅔ cup (375 g)
Lemon peel 1
Type 00 flour 2 ⅓ cups (300 g)
Eggs 1 cup (155 g) - (around 3)
Brown sugar 1 cup (255 g)
Baking powder 1 ½ tbsp (16 g)
Butter ¾ cup (180 g) - melted
Fine salt 1 pinch
For garnishing
Powdered sugar to taste

How to prepare Ricotta and lemon bundt cake

To make ricotta and lemon bundt cake, place the eggs and the brown sugar in a bowl 1, add a pinch of salt 2 and beat using an electric whisk 3 for a couple of minutes.

Add the melted butter at room temperature 4 and stir until fully absorbed. Now add the ricotta 5 and continue stirring the mixture 6.

When the mixture is homogeneous, flavor with the lemon zest 7, incorporate the sieved flour 8 and baking powder 9, stir the mixture some more until smooth.

Butter and flour a 9" diameter ring mold with a 4" high edge. Pour the dough in the mold 10 and bake in a static oven at 355°F (180°C) for 50-55 minutes. Once baked, remove the ricotta and lemon bundt cake, leave it to cool 11, remove it from the mold and decorate the surface with a sprinkling of icing sugar 12.


Store the ricotta and lemon bundt cake for 3 days under a cake cloche at room temperature. You can freeze the dessert once baked.


You can add some candied citrus fruit pieces, or decorate with a simple glaze you can prepare with sugar, water and lemon juice.

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