Banana cake



Banana cake

Banana cake is a soft and tasty sweet treat that’s great for breakfast, at tea time, or even with a coffee. Made with banana pulp and chopped walnuts, this is the perfect fruit cake for kids, too, and is ideal as a snack. The banana is a fruit that is great for eating on its own, but even better for making desserts. Just take our banana upside-down cake, or our banana and peanut ring cake, for example. It’s best to use ripe bananas for this cake, as they will have more flavor and be more fragrant. In fact, this banana cake is also a great way to use up overripe bananas that are really past their best. Basically, it’s just the perfect recipe, wouldn’t you agree?

Ingredients for a 9-inch (22 cm) cake mold
Bananas 13 oz (370 g)
Powdered yeast for sweets 2 tsp (8 g)
Vegetable oil ½ cup (125 g)
Type 00 flour 2 cups (215 g)
Fine salt to taste
Sugar 1 cup (200 g)
Eggs 2 - (medium)
Walnuts ¼ cup (60 g)
Vanilla bean 1

How to prepare Banana cake

To make the banana cake, first chop up the walnuts 1 and set them aside in a small bowl. Next, peel the bananas and slice them, but not too thickly 2. Put them in the mixer 3,  

blend to obtain a consistent pulp and set aside 4. Beat the eggs with a hand mixer, adding the sugar a little at a time 5. Continue to mix until the mixture has a frothy consistency and is light in color. You can then add the sifted flour to the mixture a little at a time, along with the baking powder, to prevent any lumps from forming 6.

Next, add the salt 7, drizzle in the oil 8 and add vanilla bean seeds 9

Turn off the mixer and pour in the banana purée 10. Mix well with a spatula, then do the same with the chopped walnuts 11. Grease and flour a cake pan measuring 9 inches (22 cm) in diameter and pour in the mixture 12.

The cake is ready to be baked 13 in a conventional oven preheated to 350°F (180°C) for around 45 minutes. You can do the toothpick test to check that the cake is cooked, then remove it from the oven and allow to cool at room temperature 14. Serve the banana cake with a sprinkling of icing sugar to taste 15.


The banana cake can be stored under a glass bell jar or covered in plastic wrap or aluminum foil for up to a week.

It can also be pre-sliced and frozen.


If you’re using very ripe bananas, simply mash them to obtain the purée.

This delicious banana cake can be served along with a dollop of semi-whipped cream, or a strawberry or other flavored jelly.

If you like more intense flavors and sweet notes, why not try adding a pinch of cinnamon to the dough to give your banana cake a spiced, original twist!

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