Radicchio and pancetta risotto



If you are looking for a risotto with a full-bodied flavor, then radicchio and pancetta risotto is the one for you. Radicchio risotto is a classic of Veneto culinary tradition; we have reinterpreted and enriched it with delicious smoked pancetta bacon, for a decisive touch, which balances the unmistakably bitter flavor of radicchio. Chioggia radicchio is a cross between endive and travois radicchio. The latter has a slightly less bitter flavor, and if you prefer this variety, we recommend you try the lasagna with radicchio and Montasio cheese.

If you love risotto don't miss these recipes:

Carnaroli rice 1 cup (320 g)
Radicchio 1 lb (400 g) - (Chioggia variety)
Smoked pancetta 5 oz (150 g)
Vegetable broth 4 cups (1 l)
Red wine 7 tbsp (100 g)
Extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp (30 g)
Shallot 1 oz (50 g)
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Thyme 3 sprigs


To prepare radicchio and pancetta risotto, start by preparing the vegetable stock, which you'll need to keep hot. Remove the white part of the radicchio head 1. Now wash, dry and thinly slice the leaves 2 3,

Place the oil and finely chopped shallot in a large pan 4. Brown on a medium flame, stirring every now and then. Add a ladle of vegetable stock 5 followed by the pancetta bacon a few moments later, cut into thin strips 6.

Leave the pancetta bacon to cook for 1-2 minutes and stir occasionally. Now add the rice 7 and stir some more. Toast the rice until you see the grains become semi-transparent 8. Now add the red wine, simmer and reduce before adding as much hot stock as necessary 9, one or two ladles at a time: the rice must always remain covered.

Finish cooking the rice (it will take around 18 minutes, depending on what rice you use). Once cooked, add salt 10 and pepper 11 to taste. Lastly, add the radicchio once removed from the flame. Stir 12, flavor with the thyme and now you're ready to serve you radicchio and pancetta risotto on plates.


Radicchio and pancetta risotto can be stored for 1 day in the refrigerator, in a sealed container.

Freezing is not recommended.


We didn't use any, but you can add a grating of Grana Padana PDO cheese.

You can also use sweet pancetta bacon, for a more delicate flavor!

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