• Main Courses
  • Pasta

Creamy Seafood Carbonara



  • 320 g (11.3 oz) Spaghetti 
  • 100 g (3.5 oz) Tuna 
  • 100 g (3.5 oz) Swordfish 
  • 12 Red Shrimp
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 60 g (2.1 oz) Pecorino Cheese 
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as needed
  • Fine Salt, as needed
  • Black Pepper, as needed
  • Tuna Bottarga, as needed
  • Lime Zest, as needed

- To Complete the Dish:

  • Pecorino Cheese, as needed
  • Black Pepper, as needed


  1. Clean the red shrimp, cut the flesh into small cubes, and marinate them with a pinch of salt, white pepper, extra virgin olive oil, and lime zest.
  2. Cook the pecorino cheese with the egg yolks and white pepper in a double boiler.
  3. Meanwhile, blend the heads of the red shrimp with a drizzle of olive oil and water, then strain the mixture.
  4. Cut the tuna and swordfish into approximately 2 cm cubes and sauté them in a pan over high heat with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, and white pepper for 2 minutes. Drain them.
  5. Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water.
  6. In the same pan where you cooked the fish, pour in the shrimp bisque obtained from the shrimp heads. Add the cooked spaghetti, the egg yolk and pecorino cream, sauté them together, add the tuna and swordfish, and sauté again. If needed, add some pasta cooking water to maintain creaminess.
  7. Plate the spaghetti with its sauce, and top it with the raw red shrimp tartare and tuna bottarga.
  8. Enjoy your meal!
Half Sardinian and half German, born on the border with Hungary, Sebastian is the resident chef creator of GialloZafferano. He offers his community an irresistible glimpse into his contemporary and genuine cuisine, meticulously crafted even in the simplest preparations. He graduated from the most prestigious Italian cuisine training center, ALMA - Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana. He is extremely attentive to raw materials, and in his videos, he surprises everyone with his meticulousness and the tricks of the trade that make his dishes unique in taste and presentation. Since 2024, he has been the Resident Chef Creator of GialloZafferano.