Coconut milk ice cream



From the union of two of the most famous vegetable drinks in the world and rich in nutritional properties, today's vegan dessert is born: coconut milk ice cream, perfect for those who are intolerant to gluten and lactose, but also loved by everyone else! Its fresh and sweet taste will satisfy your senses. But the real highlight is the dark chocolate, melted and added at the end, while the ice cream machine is still running: in a few seconds it will turn into delicious bites! An effect, like in stracciatella flavor, which will give your coconut milk ice cream the right edge ... truly special. All this can happen within the walls of your kitchen! Young and old can't wait to taste it, run prepare it! And if you are looking for other fresh, gluten-free and lactose-free desserts, don't miss our hazelnut sorbet!

Ingredients for anout 1lb (500 g) ice cream
Coconut milk 1 ¼ cup (300 g) - with less than 18% fat
Almond milk ½ cup (100 g)
Brown sugar ¼ cup (50 g)
Dark chocolate ½ cup (100 g)

How to prepare Coconut milk ice cream

To prepare the coconut milk ice cream, first pour  almond milk into a saucepan, add brown sugar 1 and heat it until it has melted completely 2. Then pour coconut milk in another bowl and add the almond milk to it 3.

Mix 4, cover with plastic wrap 5 and place in the refrigerator to harden for at least 30 minutes. Pour the ice cream into your self-refrigerating ice cream maker 6

cover with the lid 7 and work the ice cream for at least 25 minutes. Then, coarsely chop the chocolate and melt it in a bain-marie, or in the microwave 8. As soon as the ice cream is well solidified 9

pour the chocolate very slowly, while the machine continues mixing 10. This way you will get a stracciatella-like effect. Mix the ice cream for another 10 minutes until it reaches the right consistency 11. And you can enjoy the coconut milk ice cream or store it in the freezer in a bowl with high sides 12.


Store the coconut milk ice cream in the freezer and consume it within 1 week.


You can replace brown sugar with honey and flavor the ice cream with cinnamon. If you prefer, you can omit the chocolate and variegate the ice cream with black cherry syrup!

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